Best Dinner Recipes Prepared With Chicken, Flour And Salt

Chicken isn’t the only dish in non-vegetarian food and if you like chicken most then there are many ways of cooking chicken. For instance take lime garlic chicken that can be prepared within 15 minutes with ingredients available at home. It is one of the best dinner recipes.

For lime garlic chicken, you need chicken pieces neatly cut into appropriate sizes. The other ingredients needed for this recipe are flour that you’ve at home and also you need salt and pepper. Finally you need garlic and lime and you can also find these ingredients at home. Once you have all the ingredients, you can start preparation for the chicken dish that is one of the best dinner recipes.


Take a ziplock bag and put flour in the bag. Add chicken pieces to the flour and mix them properly. Now you can add salt according to taste and also peeper to improve the salty flavor. Lock the bag to mix the ingredients with chicken. It shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes to mix chicken pieces with flour and salt. This is the first step of lime garlic chicken. When prepared, you’ll say that it is certainly one of the best dinner recipes.

Its cooking time is less than 15 minutes and you need a sauté the chicken in butter to prepare the lime garlic chicken. Melt butter in a skillet and add chicken pieces to the butter. Also add garlic and let the chicken sauté in the butter. Finally garnish it with lime. There could be more ways of preparing best dinner recipes with chicken.

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